Football is such an aggro, machismo-fueled sport and one that can really hard to support at times because of the issues that seemingly stem from playing it (see: domestic violence, child abuse, brain trauma, etc.).
I know that not everyone in the NFL is a Grade A Dodo like Adrian Peterson but sometimes it's nice to get reminded that there are players like Connor Barwin of the Philadelphia Eagles.
ESPN E:60 did a great piece on the All-Pro outside linebacker who truly tries to give back to community through charity and also remains a vocal supporter of gay marriage in a time when most players seem too chicken shit to actually stand up for what's right.
Although, really ESPN, you had to get the dig in old "racist" Chip Kelly, huh?
Also, here's another great video from VICE about Barwin's efforts to raise money to renovate a park in South Philly. Maybe I'm just impressed by a football player who likes Kurt Vile too.